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Please read through these instructions. You will find information here that will maximum your experience using this site.

The Purpose of This Site

This site was created to connect with our classmates, even those who will not be attending reunions. The site is private and all personal information is protected. You determine what you want to share and with whom. Everything you need to know about setting up a profile to gain access to the rest of the website is on this page. If you have questions please contact us.

Setting Up Your Profile

To set up your profile locate the "Missing Classmates" link on the top navigation bar and locate your name and click on it. Follow the prompts to create your profile.

Private information like your email address, home address and phone numbers will not be visible to fellow classmates. Your information will never be given to other classmates without your permission.
If your name is not on the site, but you are part of the Louis St. Laurent Class of 1981, contact us and your name will be added.
Updates:  If you change your email address or phone numbers, please update your contact information so we are current and that way you will always be in the know about upcoming reunion plans and what your classmates are up to.

"Missing Classmates"

The Missing list is based solely on the names of people who have not registered or have not created profiles. So, until you register or have a profile, the site will consider you Missing. Also, please note, we need your help to contact EVERY classmate. If you have information about any missing classmate, listed or not listed, please contact us.

Communicating with Classmates

To contact a fellow classmate,  simply use the mail option at the top left of each Classmate's profile page (located under their photo). This way you will be able to contact classmates withour sharing your private email address - unless, of course, you choose to do so.

Privacy Notice

All contact information (address, phone number, email address) that you enter into this website will be kept confidential. Your personal information will never be sold to other sites. It will not be shared or distributed.
You contact information is privateyour street address, email address and phone number cannot be seen by classmates. Each classmate has the ability to limit the visibility of his or her profile to only fellow classmates by clicking on the appropriate answer in the Profile Visibility section during profile setup. If you do not opt for privacy on this line, your profile can be viewed by non-members  such as your friends and family, but also note your profile will be fully indexable by major search engines.
All class email news sent from us to you via this website: For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add noreply@classcreator.net to your email account as a safe sender in order to ensure you receive email communications from us.
.If you do not want your name and photo on this site, it may be removed by contacting Bobbie Woytkiw McGowan at geoffandbobbie@gmail.com.